I’m trying to figure out if I still fit into this space. This is how I really feel:
I’ve learned that the traditional path toward success here doesn’t align with my skills or personality. I pushed myself so hard to network and build, to improve with every bit of advice given by the loudest voices, that now I’m just overwhelmed and unhappy.
I’ve gone from feeling inspired to being lost in a mindless routine. GM, thank you, beautiful piece, GN. I was more concerned with making a sale than growing as an artist. Shit.
The rules and community etiquette get to my head so much that I feel paralyzed from making any real decisions for myself.
It’s always: “what will [they] think of this?” And not: “what do I want to do?”
Why did I give everyone else so much power? It’s my own fault.
I can’t be the only one who feels these ways. If anyone has ideas to get art seen without exhausting ourselves, please share. A lot of us work for free, maybe even pay to be here, and it’s not sustainable. It’s fine if you enjoy socializing and can afford to.
For almost a year, I’ve replied to Every. Single. Comment. A personal reply, not copied and pasted. Because everyone deserves to be acknowledged. It breaks my heart, but I can’t keep up anymore. I have to set healthy boundaries.
If I’m not willing to put in what everyone else is, do I even deserve to be here anymore? Do I deserve to be collected from and supported by my friends? I don't know. No one is entitled to anything. I have to put my doubts aside.
From now on, I’m taking more time for myself. Going slower. Giving less fucks about selling. Giving even less fucks about what I “should” be doing. I’m engaging/minting/pricing/burning how I want to when I have the energy to. Maybe I won't “make it,” but at least I’ll be happier.
*This article was adapted from a Twitter thread by Pemi*